Saturday, September 18, 2010


The word democracy comes from the Greek language. It literally means 'power to the people'. As a form of government, democracy is either government directly by the people, or by officials elected by the people they represent.

1 comment:

  1. These are the changes you'll need to make to get your blog up towards an A grade:
    1. Research into film styles section, needs examples complete with embedded clips or images. Maybe identify which styles you like best.
    2. Need a section with your 3 favourite directors, with discussion of why you like them and what your favourite films of theirs are.
    3. Analysis of at least 3 short films with discussion of narrative and mise-en-scene. You can include the films that we've studied in class, and write up the notes from the board on your blog.
    4. 3 stories need to be found and analysed.
    If you need and extra help or any of this is unclear then please come and find me in a free period.
