Saturday, September 18, 2010

Genres/ conventions/ research into short films

My favourite Genres would have to be a Horror movie, a Romantic Comedy and an Action movie. The reason why these are my favourites are because they are all so different from eachother.

The conventions in a Horror movie would be ;
Haunted houses and isolated settings
Chase sequences

Research into Horror
Frankie - A Short Horror Film Made in 48 Hours
The Roomate- short horror
The short film which i really enjoy was called Franki. frankie was about a young boy looked to be around 2/13, hes looking for extra money so he goes to his neighbours to ask for £10.00 to do any garden work. the neighbours he goes to are an out couple looking to be in there 60s, within just a minute the child seems to be very polite and the old lady is made to look like a sweet old grandma. just 20 seconds later the director has tried to give away a clue about the old lady, as this young boy is doing the garden work she 'creepily' is over looking him from a bedroom window, rather then calling him franki she approaches his with the name 'David' and tries to make him feel at home, not to mention telling him to call her 'grandma'. with that dialouge as a viewer i felt that she maybe was looking at him to as a recollection of a family member possibly. when franki goes into the house to fetch himself a drink from behind him the man of the house who also looks to be like a grandpa hits him over the head. he wakes up out of conscienous to find himself tied up and the old lady telling us and the young boy how 'he is home' and how 'grandma will looki after him'. the child is sitting in the middle of these old people, they are keeping him trapped in the house and in a really sick way they just want him as there grandson because he reminds them of there dead son. when franki tries to escape the old people trap him and the 'grandmar' kills him with a knife. the film ends on a 'have u seen us letter' showing how these sweet looking old people have done this before. the reason why this movie was so good because the added music built a lot of suspence to what was going on..there was a lot of different uses of conventional camera work which i will be using in my horror film, the extreme close ups, the view points ect. 

The conventions in a Romantic comedy would be ;
Two People
problems or challenges
happy music setting scenes
candle light, dimmed or light lighting
usually a happy ever after

Reseach into Romantic comedy

The catch -short film
Dream off- short film
Sighs- short fillm
Signs Steven Mcdonald
 Is a short movie about a man who is unhappy, everything seems dull, a shy man who is unable to speak to women. he works in a office and isnt happy until one day when he sees the building oppisite him is a pretty girl, who he looks at and is in shock when she looks back at him. they speak to eachother with sheets off paper. now when he wakes up in the morning hes excited as he feels he has something to wake up to ( which is to see this girl) for days on days they still interact with eachother until one day when he finally gets the courage to say 'lets meet' she disappears. he goes back eager to speak to her and notices how she isnt there anymore. now hes gone back to his depressed self feeling like he has broken up with this girl. it isnt until the girl uses a mirror and the sun to get his attention - he notices how she has been promoted. now he is feeling happy again and feels he can ask to meet her when she replies 'thought ud never ask' he jumps out his chair in a hurry to go and see her, they meet from oppisite directions and when they approach eachother she brings up a sign 'hi'.

The conventions of a comedy movie;
serious matters pocieved as a joke
up beat music
lots of colour
                                                                       Research into a Comedy
                                                                Oh no one swim - Adam Hashemi

Oh no one swim- One of my favourite movies which is a comedy from futureshorts website is called 'oh no one swim' which is actually a mucis video, but to me it gave off the impression of a short film about a young boys first sexual experiences and about the shame that comes with it. the movie is set in a hospital surrounded by nuses (very stereotypical as nurses are seen as a sex fantasy) throughtout the short film the camera follows the young boy in a very handheld way, the lighting and setting is made out to be very greyish and blue- given off a depressive atmosphere possibly because links to the chosen location which is a hospital. the director used visions to express what the young child was thinking and fantasising about. it isnt till an older nurses drops dead and his mother or guardian goes and helps her he looks at the situation as two women kissing and carressing eachothers bodies. ( this movie has been set in very dull lighting which isnt a convention of a comedy)

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