Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Short Film

This Post will be filled of all the organising which comes into our film, all the discussions and the notes taken about the film and clips of deleted scenes.


In this meeting we discuss who was in charge of the following..

- Editing
- Sound



16 year old girl
From london
Goes to college
Bit spoilt
Confident but nieve
Lives with her parents

40+ year old married man
Smartly dressed

16 years old girl
Best friends with Emma
Same college as Emma
Always up for a laugh

16 year old boy
Friends with the girls 
Very deep voice


Magazine or Book (plain book no pictures)
portable phones
These are a few photos of the inside of our location- the photos taken are where we want to be point the camera. The reason for why we chose this location as we both felt it had a haunted house effect, its a big house which gives us a lot of options of filming rooms and allows us to have a variety of choices.
 LOCATION INSIDE- from these pictures we would like to do similar shots, for example the photographs of the camera looking towards the house creates an uncomfortable feeling of someone watching you...
we have to pay a lot of attention to the conventions of a horror movie- one of the conventions are from the camera movement, the effect of how we use our camera will either have a huge effect on the audience or wont. if the audience are not effected then we have done something wrong.


The reason for why we chose all these specific characters, and the reason for why we chose myself to play the part of 'Sophie'..we wanted a group of kids with different appearences but all had a bond, we wanted similar backgrounds, similar accents so everyone new they were all friends.



Establish how parents are angry at their daughter -confiscate phone and grounded for this weekend. Parents leaving smartly dressed to the opera.


First suspicious shot from outside watching into the house as car drives off. 'Handheld shot someone watching into the house'.


Girl calls friend to tell her to come over. Suspicious hand held shots watching in on her as she walks around the house. Goes to make popcorn. Gets ready for friend to arrive. Walks away (phone rings again) its her friend. (Phone rings again) it’s her friend, Emma starts to get aggravated that her friend keeps calling and hasn’t left yet. Phone rings again this time an unknown caller. Who wants to speak to a ‘Mr or Mrs’ but sounds more interested to know if Emma is home alone.


Doors bell rings no ones there, standing looking out    phone call goes again shuts the door to answer the next call. Unknown caller again- gets a bit suspicious -he makes inappropriate remarks (slumber party). Walks around the house to make sure all the doors are locked. Phone rings again. Gets flirty but leads into a creep conversation (the unknown caller knowing what she is doing) as conversation goes on he tells her how they are playing a game. Gets more aggressive to a peak where she puts the phone down. Runs down the corridor to make a phone call and the unknown caller is still on the phone. Doorbell now rings (contemplates whether to open it or not)


'are you seriously not going to let her in' .the teenage girl is very scared now- looks through the window, notices two bodies dressed in black.


moves into the kitchen to find a sharp object for comfort. More noises come from outside and Emma gets worked up creeps to the door, in a quick movement opens the door and stabs Sophie in the chest not realizing its her friend.






How did our filming go?

Looking back at the week of our filming i am pleased with the organising and the set up of our location. Franki and i would spend an 1-2 hours going through each room of the specific filming days and from our index cards figure out how we will do everything. By the time our actress came 'Stephanie lester' we were ready to pep her and film as soon as possible. At the time we were re doing each scene over and over again in different angles so when we came to the editing suite we would have a lot of varieties of shots to chose from. Although haven uploading our film onto the computers supplied at school i can say that im not as happy as id like to be. I have realised that some of our shots where unstable and not good enough for my liking, also there is a scene where we have broken a rule therefore it is vital for us to re do that shot. I am happy with our film and believe once we have cut everything together added the sound effects we will have a horror movie. But i wont supply it until it is perfect and it is not perfect at the moment therefore we have scheduled our actress to re shoot with us very soon and having that done and dusted i will be happy to carry on.


How were our actors?

Dad- Andrew Saffrin appeared in a short amount of time giving a very convincing role of a strict father who had grounded her daughter. Andrew Saffrin has no experience in acting he offered to help us and we gave him a go. Its a shame that we are not happy with the technical part of the scene as the acting from both part emma and dad were very convincing although we will be re shooting this particular scene due to  bad camera work.

Sophie- Myself played the part of Sophie. Sophies face only appears in the final scene and we will being using my voice for the voice over throughout the phone conversations. The phone voice over is something that we will be doing once we are back at school.

Unknown Caller- Julian Wogman appeared to play the face of the unknown caller although we will not be using his voice, we have yet to found a voice that fits the part of a creepy scary caller.
Emma- Stephanie Lester a performing arts student played our main character, when it came to the lines she had learnt them all incredibly well. She never let us down on the timings she was scheduled to get to the location and she was filled with enthusiasm and was very professional. She played a convincing part of a teenager of a big family. She was home alone and showed a comfortable vibe in front of the camera. Throughout the night fear was built up and by the end of the movie we are hoping to once all our clips have been edited together to have made a convincing ending. Which was Emma killing her friends as she thought they were intruders.


Phone booth
 is a great movie..the reason for why i have researched the poster for it is because in our movie we dont want to be telling the audience straight away what our movies about just give them one hint and then they can get excited. when this movie came our and i saw the poster for it i felt like i had to see it because i had to know what is was about.

 All of these are conventionial horror posters. I know this because a conventional horror movie poster would have a black background,
either white or red writting, a powerful image, thin big writting, maybe blood or a mask...

For our Movie we are also going to create an poster for it to advertise in cinemas, to be the front cover, to advertise on billboards.. So above are all horror movie poster which will help us and show us how to create a conventional horror movie poster. We have an idea of what we would we would like and this is our 1st idea...we want to have a black background with a centre image of a red phone ..in the picture above we are thinking of designing our poster with a red phone adn the phone line.
This is the draft made on paint- for the final piece i would design is by hand and then print it onto the computer and edit it from there.



For our Short film one of the other media products we must create is a review of our movie..
A movie review is a Film criticism which analysises and evaluates the films, individually and collectively. In general, this can be divided into journalistic criticism that appears regularly in newspapers, and other popular, mass-media outlets and academic criticism by film scholars that is informed by film theory ...


unfortunately franki and myself are not happy with our film. we have finished editing and looking through our footage after being edited we didnt like it. therefore we will be re shooting!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My favourite Directors

More romance - a good cry movie
Nick Cassavetes- The notebook, My sisters keeper. These movies are always going to be my favourites, they are both the type of movies that you/i can watch over and over again.. the reason for why there so amazing is because Nick really makes the audience feel they are apart of the movie, that what they are watching is real- i could watch both these movies over and over again and i will always cry, at the exact same points!

More action-
Ben Afflect- The town, Gone baby Gone, Pearl Harbour.
Im a huge supporter of Ben Afflect both for the movies he is in and the movies he makes. The reason for why i love both movies made and performed are because there are varieties of genres. The movie below is called the town. Ben Afflect not only stared in it but directed it too!

More comedy-
Mark Waters- Mean girls, Freaky friday, Just like heaven,The spiderwick chronicles. 



Monday, October 11, 2010


I personally have never watch a short film until we had the task of making our own short films.
i have learn how the audience of a short film would be other filmakers, isomniacs, short films would be used for fillers and propeller tv. perhaps in slots from channel4news and before you watch a movie in the cinema.

while making my short film i have to really think about the audience a way of directing your movie to a specific audience would be through the demographics/physical characteristics and psychographics which are desgined for the needs and desires.

GERNRE; romcom, horror,sci fi,action,comedy, drama...

My short film is directed to the audience from 16-20, both male and female.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Scenes for our Short Horror Film


Establish how parents are angry at their daughter -confiscate phone and grounded for this weekend. Parents leaving smartly dressed to the opera.


First suspicious shot from outside watching into the house as car drives off. 'Handheld shot someone watching into the house'.


Girl calls friend to tell her to come over. Suspicious hand held shots watching in on her as she walks around the house. Goes to make popcorn. Gets ready for friend to arrive. Walks away (phone rings again) its her friend. (Phone rings again) it’s her friend, Emma starts to get aggravated that her friend keeps calling and hasn’t left yet. Phone rings again this time an unknown caller. Who wants to speak to a ‘Mr or Mrs’ but sounds more interested to know if Emma is home alone.


Doors bell rings no ones there, standing looking out    phone call goes again shuts the door to answer the next call. Unknown caller again- gets a bit suspicious -he makes inappropriate remarks (slumber party). Walks around the house to make sure all the doors are locked. Phone rings again. Gets flirty but leads into a creep conversation (the unknown caller knowing what she is doing) as conversation goes on he tells her how they are playing a game. Gets more aggressive to a peak where she puts the phone down. Runs down the corridor to make a phone call and the unknown caller is still on the phone. Doorbell now rings (contemplates whether to open it or not)


'are you seriously not going to let her in' .the teenage girl is very scared now- looks through the window, notices two bodies dressed in black.


moves into the kitchen to find a sharp object for comfort. More noises come from outside and Emma gets worked up creeps to the door, in a quick movement opens the door and stabs Sophie in the chest not realizing its her friend.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Scream is a very conventional horror movie, this is something id be very interested in doing.

conventions of a horror..i found the use of camera work and lighting very interesting as it kept the audience more alert, in this short film not a lot at all happened but i chose to uploaded this on my blog so i was aware of the works of the camera.

the only reason i chose to upload this short film onto my blog is because of the music, i feel it could give me a good idea on my time of horror music id want to use in my short film.

i was blown away by the editing in this short film, to make it look like a ghost, also the sound effects..scared me to another level!

my teacher told me how a lot of writers use there fears to create films, this year i would really be interested in creating a short horror film. One of my biggest fears is coming home to an empty house with stranger who have broken in walking around my house, people watching me without me knowin and either being taken and helpless in a horrid situation.

for my movie i want to base the short film on one of my fears of being in a house when you think your home alone. ive been thinking about this idea and when i described it to my teacher craig he wanted me to go into more details, he asked me questions which i was unable to answer so over the weekend i sat down and chose to plan it all.

while looking at other horror films one of the horror films i payed a particular interest in was scream.

im going to base it on a teenage girl whos parents leave her home alone, while she waits for her friend to come round she recieves unknown calls.

Some people can take a joke, but sometimes people take a joke to far.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


The word democracy comes from the Greek language. It literally means 'power to the people'. As a form of government, democracy is either government directly by the people, or by officials elected by the people they represent.

Genres/ conventions/ research into short films

My favourite Genres would have to be a Horror movie, a Romantic Comedy and an Action movie. The reason why these are my favourites are because they are all so different from eachother.

The conventions in a Horror movie would be ;
Haunted houses and isolated settings
Chase sequences

Research into Horror
Frankie - A Short Horror Film Made in 48 Hours
The Roomate- short horror
The short film which i really enjoy was called Franki. frankie was about a young boy looked to be around 2/13, hes looking for extra money so he goes to his neighbours to ask for £10.00 to do any garden work. the neighbours he goes to are an out couple looking to be in there 60s, within just a minute the child seems to be very polite and the old lady is made to look like a sweet old grandma. just 20 seconds later the director has tried to give away a clue about the old lady, as this young boy is doing the garden work she 'creepily' is over looking him from a bedroom window, rather then calling him franki she approaches his with the name 'David' and tries to make him feel at home, not to mention telling him to call her 'grandma'. with that dialouge as a viewer i felt that she maybe was looking at him to as a recollection of a family member possibly. when franki goes into the house to fetch himself a drink from behind him the man of the house who also looks to be like a grandpa hits him over the head. he wakes up out of conscienous to find himself tied up and the old lady telling us and the young boy how 'he is home' and how 'grandma will looki after him'. the child is sitting in the middle of these old people, they are keeping him trapped in the house and in a really sick way they just want him as there grandson because he reminds them of there dead son. when franki tries to escape the old people trap him and the 'grandmar' kills him with a knife. the film ends on a 'have u seen us letter' showing how these sweet looking old people have done this before. the reason why this movie was so good because the added music built a lot of suspence to what was going on..there was a lot of different uses of conventional camera work which i will be using in my horror film, the extreme close ups, the view points ect. 

The conventions in a Romantic comedy would be ;
Two People
problems or challenges
happy music setting scenes
candle light, dimmed or light lighting
usually a happy ever after

Reseach into Romantic comedy

The catch -short film
Dream off- short film
Sighs- short fillm
Signs Steven Mcdonald
 Is a short movie about a man who is unhappy, everything seems dull, a shy man who is unable to speak to women. he works in a office and isnt happy until one day when he sees the building oppisite him is a pretty girl, who he looks at and is in shock when she looks back at him. they speak to eachother with sheets off paper. now when he wakes up in the morning hes excited as he feels he has something to wake up to ( which is to see this girl) for days on days they still interact with eachother until one day when he finally gets the courage to say 'lets meet' she disappears. he goes back eager to speak to her and notices how she isnt there anymore. now hes gone back to his depressed self feeling like he has broken up with this girl. it isnt until the girl uses a mirror and the sun to get his attention - he notices how she has been promoted. now he is feeling happy again and feels he can ask to meet her when she replies 'thought ud never ask' he jumps out his chair in a hurry to go and see her, they meet from oppisite directions and when they approach eachother she brings up a sign 'hi'.

The conventions of a comedy movie;
serious matters pocieved as a joke
up beat music
lots of colour
                                                                       Research into a Comedy
                                                                Oh no one swim - Adam Hashemi

Oh no one swim- One of my favourite movies which is a comedy from futureshorts website is called 'oh no one swim' which is actually a mucis video, but to me it gave off the impression of a short film about a young boys first sexual experiences and about the shame that comes with it. the movie is set in a hospital surrounded by nuses (very stereotypical as nurses are seen as a sex fantasy) throughtout the short film the camera follows the young boy in a very handheld way, the lighting and setting is made out to be very greyish and blue- given off a depressive atmosphere possibly because links to the chosen location which is a hospital. the director used visions to express what the young child was thinking and fantasising about. it isnt till an older nurses drops dead and his mother or guardian goes and helps her he looks at the situation as two women kissing and carressing eachothers bodies. ( this movie has been set in very dull lighting which isnt a convention of a comedy)


Auteur – The word Auteur is used to describe film makers as well directors, producers and writers. Directors who have a status of an Auteur are supported by published studies of their body and work.

Cinema Verite- Cinema Verite is simply a style of documentary film making, combining naturalistic techniques with stylized cinematic devices of editing and camera work. Stage set ups and uses of the camera to provoke subjects, its is also known for taking a provocative stance towards topics.

Avante- Garde film - Avant-garde describes certain film makers, as they want to experiment with new ideas, forms, techniques, and expressions--and are often said to be "ahead of their times." Avant-garde films are characterized by a high degree of experimentation--whether it be in manipulation in narrative materials, in highly stylized visual representation, or in radical departures from the norms or conventions current at the time, avant-garde film is always a vehicle for the filmmaker’s expression.

Film noir - The term film noir describes a type of film that is very dark and depressing. The word noir is French for 'black', and it was during the 1940s that film noir came into its own. The term was coined by film critics just after World War II.

The French New Wave was a blanket term coined by critics for a group of French filmmakers of the late 1950s and 1960s. the New Wave filmmakers were linked by their self-conscious rejection of classical cinematic form and their spirit of youthful iconoclasm and is an example of European art cinema. Many also engaged in their work with the social and political upheavals of the era, making their radical experiments with editing, visual style and narrative part of a general break with the conservative paradigm.

Lars Von Trier is a Danish film maker, he came up with the dogma style.