Friday, February 4, 2011


We were not happy with how our film worked out and i simply believe it is because we didnt not research into the conventions of horror movies, we didnt research about capturing suspense and look into what shots we should do to make the audience feel uncomfortable. and we were not happy with actually the location as it the lighting was to dark, even though we wanted it to be dark it just didnt work out.

these are a few clips of what i have been looking into and taking notes about. now that we are starting over again i see the importance of researching and taking ideas from horror movies.

for our movie we are sticking to a similar idea but changing our actress and location and not using phones. for our new movie we are going to have 7 big things that happen, reaction noises, tv turning off, control going missing, chopping knife gone missing, doors opening, door bells ringing, and then a final decision making scene..